One last Chance for Iverson?

Posted by Unknown on Thursday, August 02, 2012 with 13 comments
     When I woke up yesterday I checked The Real NBA News/Rumors page as I do every morning and I saw something there that disturbed me.  I saw a post left by the Balla Commish that highlighted Allen Iverson's new website and displayed that Iverson could be reached there for speaking events and appearances.  First of all I’m a big Iverson fan and during his era he was my favorite player.  I liked Iverson so much because of the heart and fire that he brought to the court every night.  He was a little man with big heart and he had the will to win.

It troubles me a lot to see how the NBA did one of their former MVP's and future Hall of Famer.  We all know that Allen had a big chip on his shoulder and was very arrogant, but all big time superstars are a little arrogant, I know Lebron is and so is Kobe and even my man Micheal Jordan who was loved by everyone including myself was arrogant and anyone who doesn't believe that must go back and look at Jordan's Hall of Fame speech.  I admit it was a great speech but it showed the fire that Jordan has as a person and some arrogance too.  Now with all that being said, I noticed some of the posts from our followers and I agree with many of you on the subject of Iverson.  I hate the fact that he was such a great player and now no one will touch him because of his past behavior with coaches and other organizations around the league.  I think that any team in the NBA could use an Allen Iverson, not as the main go to guy anymore but as a good veteran that has leadership skills and a history with the league.  The NBA has forgotten the fact that many people still love Allen Iverson and if he were to step foot on any NBA team right now I'd be the first one in line to purchase a ticket to go see him perform when his team would visit my city.

Understand this NBA

I know you and Mr. Iverson have had your ups and down but do you remember the look on his face when he appeared during the playoffs when the Sixers faced the Celtics?  The guy couldn’t even hold back his tears because he wanted to be on that court so bad.  At that moment of time in Allen’s life, he would have sacrificed anything to stay on that court for one more night.  His eyes and face showed it all and I for one felt his pain.  Nothing is more annoying than seeing scrubs in the league that shouldn’t be there and they're getting paid for being useless.  They ride the bench all year, cheer leading on the side line and yet they are still on that court day in and day out.  Don’t get me wrong, Iverson needed an eye opener and I understand someones need for feeling worthy but at some points in life, one has to humble themselves for the greater cause.  Being humble doesn't indicate that one is weak, it just shows one's true power in understanding life.  Simply put, Allen Iverson is too good of a player to go down like this!  Someone, anyone in the league, if you read this, please give Allen Iverson a call.  Based on what he's been through the last year or so, I'm pretty sure that he will not be a problem going forward.   

With that being said I wish Allen the best on his new business venture and hope great success, I ask that he keep his head up and look towards a brighter future.  If you didn’t touch anyone with you basketball gifts, you touched me and it's one of the reasons that The Real NBA is here today.

Thank you, 

The Closer